Thursday, October 25, 2007

What can I say

But that Mommy's really lame. I guess it's no longer important to blog about Posa, 'cause Posa has no life, 'cause no one care about Posa any more.

Ever since that crying little things arrived, it's all been about diapers, food and whining. Everyone's looking at the baby, cooing at the baby, including all those who used to coo at Posa.

But I have to say it has been nice since he arrived that I'm no longer home alone all day. Someone is always with me, well with the baby, but that also means with me.

Mommy says the baby and I will become friends. I guess so. He aways stares at me a tracks what I do. He also likes to poke me and squeeze me, but Mommy doesn't let him. She tells him that he has to be gentle with Posa.

And I do give him licks.


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