Saturday, December 01, 2007

Bassets gone tired

Mommy wonders I all I ever do these days is sleep around. Well I'll tell her.
First of all it's cold outside, so what's the point of going out.

Second, althougth someone has been home everyday since the little crying thing was born almost 10 months ago, nobody pays attention to poor Posa during the day. I try to join inin the play, wag my tail and all and sniff and lick the baby, but Mommy doesn't seem to like that.

Nor was she too happy today when I snatched a cookie from his hand. His hand was hanging down, I thought the cookie was for me.

Third, I'm no longer a puppy, I'm getting older. And all I like to do is sleep on my chaise lounge or leather sofa until Daddy comes home at night and takes me for a walk.

Not like anyone cares or notices what poor Posa does all day.


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