Sunday, September 10, 2006

Into the woods

Into the woods near our house we went today. We usually go every weekend, well almost every weekend. I don't know why Daddy and Mommy don't take me there every day. It's soo much fun. Daddy lets me off the leash and I run and spring back and forth, up the hill, and down to the creek to get my feet wet.

Mommy and Daddy let me run loose.

There are so many things to smell each time. Today, I discovered a new animal. At first it looked like a colorful green stone, but it didn't smell like a stone. It smelled like an animal. It was crawling on the ground and when I approached to sniff it, it pulled it's head and arms and legs into the green ston-y armor. Daddy said it was a turtle. I thought turtles are much bigger and live in the water. I had never seen a turtle on the ground. I wanted to snift it more and see if it would play with me, but Daddy took it away and put it further away from the path.

Then he and Mommy started walking away so, although I wanted to play with the turtle, I had to follow them because otherwise they wouldn've gotten really mad at me and start clapping their hands to make me come to them!

It's so much better than when Mommy takes me for those boring neighborhood walks.


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