Sunday, May 07, 2006

It all started with a banana

It all started with a banana Grampa left on the table on Thursday. I balanced on my hind feet to see what was on the table. There was a banana on top of a book and a napkin nearby. I managed to open the book, throw the napkin on the floor and the banana fell on the floor with it. Now, from watchin Mommy eat bananas I knew you don't eat the peel. So I opened the banana and ate the insides. It was yummy.

So I figured that yummy things live on the table and have been trying to snoop other yummies since Thursday. But I think Mommy is not to me by now. Still I managed to get a whole of a few good yummies on Friday.

Like I pulled down a book Mommy had been reading and tore it apart. The cover was very tasty. (I don't think Mommy was happy about that. Something about it being a library book and being ruined.) Then I on the coffee table, I noticed Daddy had left a bag of peanuts. I tore the bag apart and ate all of them. Very yummy. (Except for that ever since I've been pooping undigested peanuts. And when Mommy scoops up my poop, she laughs at me.)

Otherwise it's been an uneventful but happy weekend because all day Saturday and Sunday, Mommy and Daddy were home with me. Just like I like it!


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