Monday, April 10, 2006

Playing in the parks

Today, when Daddy came home from work, he took me to the creek to look for minnows. I saw many minnows. I even when into the creek to get a better look (I personally don't like water very much, especially when they try to give me a bath). Then we also went onto the rocks.

Later we went all the way down to a park I don't know well, and there we saw three dogs but because I didn't know them and they weren't my friends I didn't stay to play with them.

But then we returned my our park where I played with Paco, Riley and Max. It was fun.

Then we came home. I tried to chew on Mommy's clogs (first one and then the other) but Daddy took them away from me. Then I tried chewing his shoes, but he wouldn't let me.

Mommy came home late and I was very happy. I could finally then take a nap -- once I knew that everyone was home with me.


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