Sunday, April 23, 2006


A Basset Hound was arrested late Thursday night for allegedly impersonating a Coyote.

The accused Hound, Mariposa Baker, aka "posa" is contesting the charge on the grounds that she was bored and neglected by her owners.

"Yeah," like, I don't know...the idea just came to me while I was once again missing one of my walks."

Authorities say "posa" got the idea from reading a recent article published on the subject in the Washington Post magazine.

"I don't know what they're talking about, I mean, I'm a dog. I can't read."

Neighbors claim the nefarious Hound would wait until everyone was asleep, then bark and howl towards the woods behind her house.

"We knew it was her (Mariposa), said one neighbor who wishes to remain anonymous. She didn't even sound like a Coyote. And then there's the fact that we could see her do it. She's like a foot tall. Face it, she's no Coyote."

According to experts, this is not the first incidence of animal mimicry in the DC metro area, but is typical of a growing problem in dogs who are experiencing "Canine envy."

"We've seen this sort of thing before, usually in the smaller, yippity dogs," said John Barkin, Director of area Studies in Canine Psychology.

When asked if she'll continue this sort of thing or straighten out, Mariposa replied, " That all depends on Mommy and Daddy."

(Posting note: This blog entry has originally been posted on 4/20 but because of some blogger screw up, this is the third time I had to repost it)


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