Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ivan's back

Mr. Meh, as Mommy and Daddy call him, came back today. Mommy, Grandpa and Ivan appeared together this afternoon. I wondered these last two days where were Ivan and Grandpa. I missed them. Mariposa was lonely.

I'm mean it's all fun sleeping around all day, barking as needed and playing with my imaginary friends, but it's also fun having Ivan around. I try to play with him, but I'm not sure how.

Sometimes I lick him, or at least try to. Sometimes, he feeds me food. Othertimes, I try to snatch crackers and cheese from his hand.

I just don't know why sometimes he takes the broom and walks it around toward me. Other times he seems to chase me with this little cart he has. Mommy tells him not to.

And I really don't know why he loves my arch enemy, the vaccuum cleaner, so much. I told him not to play with it. But he insists playing with its wires and exploring it. I don't know what's so fascinating about it. It's scary and loud and it moves on its own.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Was Left Home Alone Today

Yesterday Grandma and Grandpa were here but then they whisked away The Little Crying Things (which actually doesn't cry as much any more) otherwise known as Ivan or Mr. Meh.

And they didn't come back this morning. So Mariposa was left all alone today! I forgot what it was like. To be alone, play with my imaginary friends, bark at people passing by.

It was refreshing, but only for one day. I hope they come back tomorrow. Otherwise, Mariposa will get bored.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Skimping on my walks again

Both Mommy and Daddy have been skimping on my walks this week.

It's getting too much all this laying around and being forced to act as an unofficial carpet cleaner when Mr. Meh drops food on the floor.

I mean, what am I a dog, for them to expect me just to eat any delicious morsels of food that may land near me while I (kind of) patiently sit under Mr. Meh's high chair.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sporadic morning walks

I must admit that Mommy has partially stayed true to her promise to try to walk me in the morning before she goes off to work. Not every day and not every week, but often enough, she has walked me in the morning.

And I cherish those walks. However, they are kind of militaristic--she walks me on my leash (quel horror), always the same neighborhood loop, doesn't let me sniff or dawddle too much and keep me going brisk and fast. Ever since Laura taught the the cheese tricks (they work every time, regardless of the dog) she keeps me moving. No more sitting or laying down refusing to move.

Mommy's neglecting me again

I've guess I've been downgraded to a dog's life. I mean, yes, I am a dog, apparently, but that doesn't mean I should be treated like one. After all I'm a basset hound, which is no ordinary dog.