Monday, February 27, 2006

The Cat

I told that cat that this my house and that she should get off my property. But she keeps disobeying my barks and prancing around the yard like she owns it.

Just because I'm limping and Mommy and Daddy won't let me go outside to play does not mean that the cat can come over and take control of the yard.

(I'm much better now and almost limp free.)

Maybe tomorrow Mommy will take me for a walk.

And then I'll show the cat who's the real boss!!!

Petsmart was all I got

I'm still limping (but much less). Yesterday then took me to the vet. We waited a VERY long time. There was dogs to play with, cats to sniff and some strange fury animals they call ferrets. They were on a leash, just like me, but they wouldn't play with me. My usual doctor, Dr. Barkley, wasn't there. Another vet checked me out....examined my paw and my leg. I couldn't tell her what hurt.

Then she checked out my mouth. She said I have an extra tooth on each side (that's why I must always be so hungry and bity). She also told Mommy that she should brush my teeth. I'm only one year old and already have signs of tartar build-up and receding gum lines.

(Today, Mommy brushed my teeth. She should do it more often. I like my chicken flavored toothpaste. I want to eat it. It's not like getting my ears cleaned....)

I haven't been outside to play or see my dog park friends since last weekend. Mommy and Daddy say I shouldn't run because of my limp. Why?

I've been to play in the yard for two days (but that's boring....playing by myself all the time). So today, they took me to Petsmart.

I like Petsmart. All sorts of things to sniff and see. All people to pet me. And I see Kat. She was my trainer last summer. She was supposed to teach me many things, but I just learned to sit.

And then it was all good and well, until Mommy decided that I should go for my paw-dicure and ear flush. I try to resist and tell them I don't like that, but they never listen.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

One-leg hops

I was a good girl today and slept all day. And yesterday I slept too (it was ugly outside, that's why). My paw still hurts but I can't help myself. I just want to play and play and play despite the pain.

I keep bringing my toys to Mommy and Daddy to play with me, but they refuse. They want me to lay down and be still. They start to pet me (I like when they pet me), but I still want to play and play.

Maybe play will make the pain go away.

Miss limps a lot

I hurt my front left paw on Monday. But that didn't stop me from going out sniffing and running in the woods.

Now my paw is getting worse. I've been limping since Monday. Mommy and Daddy keep asking what's wrong and they keep feeling my paw. I can't tell them. They wouldn't understand. And really, I don't know what happened.

But it hurts. And it sucks.

And now, Mommy and Daddy have forbidden me to go up and down the stairs and to even jump on my favorite chaise lounge. It's Mommy's favorite lounge, so that's why it's also my favorite spot to lay in, especially since I discovered if I sit on the top of it, I have a better view. I can even patrol the street!

And, no Mommy, I didn't fall off the chaise lounge. And no, Daddy, I didn't strain my shoulder trying to get a better bite of your plants!

Daddy tries to carry me everywhere. Mommy wants to do it too, but she can't lift me up any more. I like that. I like when Daddy carries me and takes care of me.

They even lured me into my cage so I wouldn't move around. But I don't want to be there behind the bars by myself.

I told them "I promise, I promise, I won't jump around....just let me out."

So they did.

I'm going to try to be a good girl and stay still, but it's soooo hard.

I gotta chase my tail.


Friday, February 17, 2006

Mr. Hoover keeps scaring me

Mr. Hoover and I have never been friends.

I've tried and tried but ever since I was little he and his friend, Mr. Hoover II, would appear at most inopportune moments and start hoovering and being very loud.

And they were never, ever afraid of my barking. I could bark for hours, real loud and all, but they would just stand there.

Sometimes, with Mommy's and Daddy's help they move around and hover. But mostly, they just sit around the house, lurking behind some dark corner to jump out at me when I run around.

And they are able to change floors. I don't know how they do it, since they don't seem to be able to move. But I never seem to know where I'll encounter them next.

Lately Mr. Hoover has been hovering at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the bedrooms. Without Mommy standing in front of it and protecting me, I'm too afraid to go to bed.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I'm a long girl now

It's been a week since I last wrote in. So much has happened during the last eight days.

First, last Wednesday, February 8, I turned ONE! Or so Mommy said when she kissed me in the morning. I'm a big girl now, actually a long girl, now. Grampa and Granma came over with some green cake to celebrate my birthday. But they didn't give any to me. I begged and begged, but to no avail.

Mommy, on the other hand, came home late and missed my party. I was upset. Especially since she then ate the leftover from the green cake, and refused to give me any. (But I did manage to sneak in a few good licks off the table).

And then when the weekend came, big white fluff appeared on the ground. I was first afraid to step in it, but Mommy showed me it's OK, so I went out into the yard to pee. But the white fluff was so cold and so fluffy that I forgot to pee because I was too busy darting around. (I peed later on the soft white rug in the basement. That made Daddy angry. He keeps cleaning the rug and I don't understand why. It looks sooo much better with my pee stains and all. It also smells much better than some spraye spray he uses to clean)

So, now that I'm a long girl, I can go out and play with big dogs. I'm not afraid any more (although they are much taller than me. I can't help that I have short legs). I can run with them, play, frolick and romp around.

And we frolicked in the big white fluff that I learned Mommy and Daddy call snow. Jumping in it was kind of like bouncing on the bed, but much better because you sink in the snow....and get to run around everywhere. And it's nice and cold. And edible. And crunchy. It's like water and ice all in one. Tasty.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mariposa Rap

This is DJ Mariposa
And I'm here to say
I didn't touch
Daddy's water bottle
in any way!

And for those of you
Who think it's out
In the yard,
Here's for Mariposa
Kicking it real hard!

Awu, awu, awu, awu, awu........

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I'm fat and wrinkly and my paws are too big

I finally realized that if I climb up on the back of my Mommy's purple chaise lounge sofa I can see out the window. And I can see -- me! At least Mommy says so. Mommy says that wrinkly, brown-black-and-white person with long ears and droopy blood-shot eyes is ME!

She had told me I was pretty, adorable and cute NOT like that reflection I saw in the window. I was really shocked and now don't know what to do about it.

I barked and barked but that didn't change anything. The wrinkles didn't go away. I drank water, a lot of water, but my eyes are still bloodshot and droopy.

And my paws are really big!

Mommy tells me I'm pretty and so does my Daddy, but I don't believe them. Now I see I'm fat, droopy and wrinkly.

(But I do like my white stripe on my forehead and my kolh-rimmed eyes.)

When I wake up in the morning, I think....I'm fat. When I look at myself in the window, I think...I'm fat. I have resolved thusly to cut back on the delicious lamb and rice dinners. Today when Grandpa made me some dinner, I sat and looked at it, and then back at him....but he didn't seem to understand that I am fat and had to cut back. Then later when Daddy came home and made me dinner, I walked away from him and flopped back down on the couch. Couldn't they see I needed help?

I haven't eaten normally for two or three days. I must say that eating and looking for things to eat consumes most of my day so that there hasn't been a whole lot left to do.

Even a freshly laid poo in the yard just doesn't have the same appeal. Ho hum.