Sunday, May 21, 2006

New charm for my collar

It's been a great weekend --- Mommy and Daddy, and even Granma and Grampa were all here with me. Nothing out of the extraordinarily happened, except that Mommy took me to see Mr. Vet. He stabbed me with some injection twice --- something about rabbies. Mommy said it was important. So I acquiesced.

Then the nice ladies have me treats (I did have to show them my trick to sit) and I got a new charm to put on my collar.

Oh and Mommy laundered my sheets. They smell so fresh and clean, that I went to sleep in my cage in the evening when I was extra groggy and tired.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Housecleaning time

Every once in a while (usually when there is nothing else to do) I like to take my blue fleecy blanket and fuzzy green throws out of my cage. Because it's fun. And they need to be aired out. And maybe Mommy will get the message that it's time to launder them. A few weeks ago she took my white sheet out to do something with it but she yet has to put it back in my cage.

So today I took my blanket and throws out to tell them that it's time to redecorate. I mean I've had those blankets since I was a baby last year. The blue and green combo is so 2005 and it's almost the middle of 2006.

And I know what's in style. I tore up and eat the spring edition of the Pier 1 Import and Ethan Allen catalogues. And with Mommy I've watched enough HGTV. I know what's in style.

Mommy and Daddy can't fool me any more. Just because their stuff is so last year and passe, doesn't mean that my cage has to be the same!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Been lazy to write, too busy with life

So what, I've been to busy for the last week or so to be able to write in my blog. There were things to attend to: like barking and howling inside and outside the house at all hours of the day and night.

Like last week it was important for me to bark at 2 a.m. so I went downstairs to bark in front of the porch door. Then Daddy came to get me and bring me back upstairs. But after he made himself comfortable back in bed, I went back downstairs to howl. Then Mommy came and lured me back upstairs with food. (I don't know, I always seem to fall for that trick of hers!) And then she put up a baby gate so I couldn't go back down.

There was nowhere to go and nothing to do but curl up on the bed and sleep. And Mommy wasn't even there. She keeps sleeping in the other bed, which only confuses me. I mean, it's grandma's bed.

And now when Mommy sleeps in it where am I supposed to go -- Daddy's big bed, or Mommy's smaller bed.

But I agree with Mommy that the smaller bed is more comfortable. No springs poking me through the mattress.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The table

So many good things seem to live on the table. I can't help myself. I just need to get a peak. Ever since last week's banana discovery, I've been trying get more goodies off the table. I try to snoop around when Mommy and Daddy aren't looking. But somehow they alwyas find me out.

Today, they left me sequestered in the kitchen so I couldn't get to the table. They usually let me roam throughout the entire floor, but now they wopn't let me -- because they are afraid I'll eat chew the coffee table or snatch things of the table.

I don't understand why I just can't chew things they leave there. It's not fair.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

It all started with a banana

It all started with a banana Grampa left on the table on Thursday. I balanced on my hind feet to see what was on the table. There was a banana on top of a book and a napkin nearby. I managed to open the book, throw the napkin on the floor and the banana fell on the floor with it. Now, from watchin Mommy eat bananas I knew you don't eat the peel. So I opened the banana and ate the insides. It was yummy.

So I figured that yummy things live on the table and have been trying to snoop other yummies since Thursday. But I think Mommy is not to me by now. Still I managed to get a whole of a few good yummies on Friday.

Like I pulled down a book Mommy had been reading and tore it apart. The cover was very tasty. (I don't think Mommy was happy about that. Something about it being a library book and being ruined.) Then I on the coffee table, I noticed Daddy had left a bag of peanuts. I tore the bag apart and ate all of them. Very yummy. (Except for that ever since I've been pooping undigested peanuts. And when Mommy scoops up my poop, she laughs at me.)

Otherwise it's been an uneventful but happy weekend because all day Saturday and Sunday, Mommy and Daddy were home with me. Just like I like it!

Monday, May 01, 2006

En vacances chez grampa

Mommy and Daddy went away for the weekend and I stayed with Granma and Grampa. I like they. They give me food to eat and play with me and take me to all sorts of playing activities.

Like this weekend, we went to the park, into the woods behind their house, to their friend's house with a big yard and a dog for me to play with.....I was in heaven. And their house has comfier seats in the sun for me to lounge in.

I did get loose out of my collar while Granma was trying to take me out to pee. There was a rabbit I just had to chase and somehow I got loose.

They on Sunday, Mommy and Daddy came to take me home. I was reallllllly excited to see them but didn't really want to go home because they leave me alone during the day.

Before we left, Mommy, Granma and Daddy we went into the woods. That's when I found a treasure. I dug up a skull of some animal, maybe a fox. The skull was as big as my head, but I put it in my mouth and pranced off home so I could play with it.

I could tell Daddy wanted to take it from me, but I held on tight onto it.....Until Mommy brought out cheese, the good, stinky cheese, so eventually I let go.

Daddy grabbed the skull and threw it someplace far. Maybe one day I find it again.

(Oh, also, I chewed through her new harness on Friday, it was just purchased on Friday, but Grampa sewed it back together.