Mommy and Daddy went away for the weekend and I stayed with Granma and Grampa. I like they. They give me food to eat and play with me and take me to all sorts of playing activities.
Like this weekend, we went to the park, into the woods behind their house, to their friend's house with a big yard and a dog for me to play with.....I was in heaven. And their house has comfier seats in the sun for me to lounge in.
I did get loose out of my collar while Granma was trying to take me out to pee. There was a rabbit I just had to chase and somehow I got loose.
They on Sunday, Mommy and Daddy came to take me home. I was reallllllly excited to see them but didn't really want to go home because they leave me alone during the day.
Before we left, Mommy, Granma and Daddy we went into the woods. That's when I found a treasure. I dug up a skull of some animal, maybe a fox. The skull was as big as my head, but I put it in my mouth and pranced off home so I could play with it.
I could tell Daddy wanted to take it from me, but I held on tight onto it.....Until Mommy brought out cheese, the good, stinky cheese, so eventually I let go.
Daddy grabbed the skull and threw it someplace far. Maybe one day I find it again.
(Oh, also, I chewed through her new harness on Friday, it was just purchased on Friday, but Grampa sewed it back together.