It's been a week since I last wrote in. So much has happened during the last eight days.
First, last Wednesday, February 8, I turned ONE! Or so Mommy said when she kissed me in the morning. I'm a big girl now, actually a long girl, now. Grampa and Granma came over with some green cake to celebrate my birthday. But they didn't give any to me. I begged and begged, but to no avail.
Mommy, on the other hand, came home late and missed my party. I was upset. Especially since she then ate the leftover from the green cake, and refused to give me any. (But I did manage to sneak in a few good licks off the table).
And then when the weekend came, big white fluff appeared on the ground. I was first afraid to step in it, but Mommy showed me it's OK, so I went out into the yard to pee. But the white fluff was so cold and so fluffy that I forgot to pee because I was too busy darting around. (I peed later on the soft white rug in the basement. That made Daddy angry. He keeps cleaning the rug and I don't understand why. It looks sooo much better with my pee stains and all. It also smells much better than some spraye spray he uses to clean)
So, now that I'm a long girl, I can go out and play with big dogs. I'm not afraid any more (although they are much taller than me. I can't help that I have short legs). I can run with them, play, frolick and romp around.
And we frolicked in the big white fluff that I learned Mommy and Daddy call snow. Jumping in it was kind of like bouncing on the bed, but much better because you sink in the snow....and get to run around everywhere. And it's nice and cold. And edible. And crunchy. It's like water and ice all in one. Tasty.